################ Fibonacci Sequence! # Hint: You will have to use some variables in this sequence. I've set up the variables for you. # Our first number will start with 0 for this sequence first = 0 second = 1 # Add the first two numbers to a list called fibNumbers. # Now create a loop that will add the next 15 digits to fibNumbers. # Print fibNumbers. The last number should be 987 ############### Bonus Exercise 1: # Squares! # Here we will be using lists and loops to create a list with the squares of the first 10 number. # To start we define a list called squares below. squares = [] # Now create a for loop (as we saw in the Python mini lesson on lists and loops) that accesses the numbers 0-9. # Inside the loop append the square of each of these numbers to squares. Remember the square of x is x*x. ############### Bonus Exercise 2: # Summing an array. sum = 0 item_cost = [12, 5, 34, 12, 41, 93, 23, 44, 23] # Write a for loop that adds the value of each element in the list to sum. # Print the value of sum here. It should be 287 ################# Bonus Exercise 3: # First create an array called evenNumbers. # Now add all even numbers from 0 - 20 to evenNumbers. # Hint: you may only need to use 11 numbers in your range! # Code goes here: